Discover the Magic of the Himalaya... Explore it with Local Experts!
Arrival in Nepal
At Kathmandu airport you should proceed through Immigration (you apply for your Visa here) to the baggage collection area. Once you have collected your baggage you should move on to the Customs officers to have your baggage cleared and chalked up, before leaving the Arrivals lounge. Immediately outside, you will be met by our company staff or a Hotel representative, and taken to your accommodation. When you have been allocated a room in your hotel, and have had time to freshen up, you will be able to discuss the forthcoming holiday, and any other matters, with your guide. As a post script to this paragraph we should advise you that, if this is your first trip to Nepal, you may be surprised by the number of taxi/hotel touts and would-be porters, who will immediately hassle you as you step out of the airport. No matter how persistent they are, please tell them that you already have arrangements for hotel and transport , and that your luggage is being dealt with by the hotel staff - please do not encourage begging by distributing coins, regardless of how hard the pleading!